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Live From Denver: LiveBlogging The HuffPost Oasis

Verena von Pfetten
Hello all and greetings from Denver! The Living page has temporarily relocated to the Huffington Post's Oasis - it's the place to be (and unplug and recharge), after all - and your friendly HuffPost Living editor (which would be me) is here to keep you apprised of all the ins, outs, and happenings going on in this fine lounge of ours.
So keep coming back or check out our live video feed where the illustrious (and ever so Green) Dave Burdick will be giving you a continuous stream of visitor commentary, VIP interviews, and all around awesomeness. (That starts tomorrow. The handy link will appear then.)
And, while we hate (read: love) to state the obvious: if you're in Denver, come on by! We're offering complimentary yoga classes, massage, facials, as well as energizing (and healthy!) snacks, drinks, and smoothies (the ultimate snack / drink combo.)
And on that note, here goes nothing.
Sunday, August 24
8:05AM: We've been open for business for just over an hour and things are running smoothly. Speaking of smooth, I've been handed a steady stream of smoothies, Pom juice, and organic and raw chocolate truffles. Apparently they're so healthy and choc (ha!) full of antioxidants that you can eat them for breakfast! Who knew?

8:54AM: The first appointment of our day just finished up and it was HuffPost contributor and environmental activist Laurie David. I snagged 5 minutes of our time to get her thoughts on Denver, unplugging, and re-charging.
You obviously have a very busy schedule - how do you find time to unplug? What do you do to relax and recharge?
The summer, I've been gardening - when I need to recharge I go in and pull weeds - and you'd not believe how fulfilling that can be!
How was your facial?
My facial was great - and I'm very excited to be sitting right now on a sustainable chair that looks like it was made from an old garden hose!

What are your plans while you're in Denver?
I'm producing the concert tonight - Green Sunday at Red Rocks - we are celebrating the fact that the DNC is the first green convention ever! And a whole host a speakers and artists have donated their time - including Sheryl Crow, Dave Matthews, SugarLand, Bobby Kennedy Jr, Bill McDonough, and, of course, all the top politicians here in Denver.
Today's facial was done with Pangea's all organic and eco-friendly facial products - what sort of eco-friendly products to you use?
I try to do as much as a can, including the cleaning supplies in my house. See, my thing is: it's not about every person doing everything, its about every person doing something. That's my motto.

9:40AM: I just had a little visit (and a sip of her smoothie) from Kari Nelson of Green Source, who stopped by to check her e-mail and flight status. I asked her to stay for a yoga session but she told me she was running off to do a vision quest in California. She explains, "Its kind of more of a personal journey. Living on nothing but the land for 7 days you have to learn to be more efficient and leave no trace - so hopefully that will translate into bright ideas for the future."
How very Oasis-appropriate!
10:25AM: Arianna has arrived!
10:55AM: Dave Burdick has arrived!
11:12AM:: We've just had our most adorable visitor of the day and his name is Leo. He liked our smoothies. This is Leo and his mother Nancy Waltzman, a fellow blogger.

11:23AM: So, this is kind of turning into a photo blog but I'm OK with that because I just got the iPhone and seriously can't get enough of it. This is the aforementioned Business and Green editor Dave Burdick hard at work (or hardly working?) and sipping away at an appropriately green drink.

11:46: Off to interview the smoothie guy! His name is Kipp. But his smoothies totally trump his name so, for now, he's the smoothie guy.
Posted August 24, 2008 | 12:51 PM (EST)