It is a simple question. In our two party system, that is your choice come November in most of our 50 states.
"I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell."
- Harry S Truman

Barak Obama does not run alone. You may or may not like the man that our party has endorsed for the office of president, for personal or political reasons. But, you must realize that in accepting the nomination for our party, he has the full support of all of the democrats in the congress and in the senate, as well as the states' governors, and former elected officials that have served this country with distinction. He would have vast resources available to him as president of the United States and as an elected democrat president. Party unity, despite what some would say, is in our favor this year. United we stand and together we will win this election.
Do not be fooled by the dog show set up in the press and by the GOP. This is not simply one man against another and your choice must be based on personality and individual trust. The reason that republicans want you to feel this way is simple: a McCain administration would look exactly like a Bush administration for the very reasons I have given. Just as Obama does not run alone, McCain does not run alone. If elected, the republican party would be in charge and republicans would be in the government, just as they have over the last eight years.
Barak Obama is black as the ace of spades. Yepperz, it's true. You may not want to vote for a black guy to be president. It is sad that many people let ignorance and fear cloud their judgement and that so many of us have very little or no contact with people of other races in rural and suburban communities. But, the important thing is this: he is a good democrat and we need a good democrat in the white house. He won't be there alone at 3 am. Every Democratic leader that our party has available will be only a phone call, or a footstep, away. You may not like the fact that he is our nominee, but you must remember that our party has counted all the votes and this is the candidate who won fair and square.
It isn't, as Mr. Obama has pointed out so many time in so many places, about him. It is about us and where we want to take this country together. If you don't believe me, take another look at what Hillary Clinton said in Denver. Leave out the snark and derision of the commentators and the supposed hurt feelings and just watch and listen and think for yourself.
Oh yeah, and a guy named Bill Clinton might just come over for lunch once in awhile too. Think he would be willing to offer his opinion?
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